Providing individual excellent quality patient care for all ages. Our therapy approach is respectful, positive and encouraging. For your convenience online sessions are possible.
Myofunctional therapy Questions? Set up a free initial phone consult. We are always happy to educate and answer questions for future patients and referring specialists.
Collaboration with multiple specialists are welcomed. A Multidisciplinary approach is sometimes necessary. Specialists involved can be Orthodontists, Dentists, Oral Surgeons, ENT's, MD's, Pediatricians, Pediatric Dentists, Bodyworkers, SLP among others.
Therapy that involves retraining neuromuscular patterns. Each patient is evaluated and their program is individualized. Our goal is to create a normal oral rest posture to create a harmonious functional environment.
May include one or more of the following signs and symptoms.
-A mouth-open, lips-apart resting posture
-Mouth breathing as opposed to Nasal breathing
-Orthodontic relapse after orthodontic treatment
-A forward interdental rest posture of the tongue (tongue thrust)
-Negative oral habits such as thumb, finger, lip, and tongue sucking habits
-Chewing, bolus collection, swallowing issues, messy eating pattern
-Narrow palate
-Speech disorders
-Sleep apnea
-Tongue tie (tongue restriction)
-Facial pain or TMJD
-Cleching or grinding teeth
Airway issues that interfere with the ability to breathe easily and consistently through the nose.
A restricted lingual frenum (tissue attachment under the tongue).
Syndromes affecting jaw structure and a high narrow palate.
Oral habits.
Neuromuscular facilitation and Behavior modification to reach therapy goals can take weeks or months depending on the Orofacial Myofunctional disorder. Therapy includes a combination of in office and home exercises.
Initial consult 60 minutes. History, evaluation, photographs and measurements are performed.
30 minute consult review and therapy plan appointment.
Multiple 30 minute therapy sessions, a combination of in person and online. Therapy involves Intensive, Habituation and Retention phases along with home excercises.
Email to order mft@balancedsmile.com
Email to find out the correct size and to order mft@balancedsmile.com
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Myomentor 2024, IAOM, Buteyko breathing training.
Bebe munchee certified and myomunchee certified.
60 minute Initial evaluation appointment, virtual or in person.
A comprehensive evaluation, measurements and photos are taken of the airway, oral and facial muscle function.
Frenulums are graded and evaluated for restriction. A professional report, treatment overview and treatment plan is generated after this visit.
Normally 1-2 30 minute sessions per month. Virtual or in person appointments.
Please contact us directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling inquiries you may have. Locations in metro Detroit are available.
Request referral pads/cards.
41000 Woodward ave. Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, United States
Open today | 02:00 pm – 05:00 pm |
A Tongue release if needed can make a difference in a enjoyable start with your new baby at home. It can prevent life long issues related to overall well being.
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